The Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize

2025 Edition

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  • The prize will be awarded for a mathematical monograph of an expository nature presenting the latest developments in an active area of research in Mathematics, in which the applicant has made important contributions.
  • The monograph must be original, unpublished and must not be subject to any previous copyright agreement, written in English, and of at least 150 pages. In exceptional cases, manuscripts in other languages may be considered.
  • In order to propose a monograph for the prize object of the present call, none of its authors shall have received the prize during the last ten years (2015-2024).
  • The prize, amounting to 15.000 euros, is provided by the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Foundation. In the event that the awarded monograph is by more than one author, the prize will be divided equally between the authors. The winning monograph will be published in Birkhäuser’s series “Progress in Mathematics”, subject to the usual regulations concerning copyright and author’s rights of the series
  • The submission of a monograph implies the acceptance of all of the above conditions.
  • The winning monograph will be announced in Barcelona in April, 2025.


Submission of monographs and information

The monographs must be submitted preferably in TeX.

Submissions must be sent telematically using this form, with the monograph attached as a pdf file.

Submissions should be sent before November 29, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. (GTM+1)

Scientific Committee

The winning monograph will be proposed by a Scientic  Committee made up of:

  • Ruth Kellerhals
    Université de Fribourg
  • Jiang-Hua Lu
    University of Hong Kong
  • Marta Sanz-Solé
    Universitat de Barcelona
  • Kristian Seip
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • Yuri Tschinkel
    Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
    New York University

The 2024 Prize winner


Antonio Córdoba. Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, ICMAT. Suprematism in Harmonic Analysis

Winners from the previous editions



Xavier Fernández-Real (EPFL SB MATH (Suïssa)) i Xavier Ros Oton (Universitat de Barcelona). Integro-Differential Elliptic Equations


Pascal Auscher (Université Paris-Saclay) i Moritz Egert (TU Darmstad). Boundary value problems and hardy spaces for elliptic systems with block structure (Progress in Mathematics n. 346, Birkhäuser)


Tim Browning (Institute of Science and Thecnology. Austria). Cubic forms and the circle method (Progress in Mathematics n. 343, Birkhäuser)


Urtzi Buijs (Universidad de Málaga), Yves Félix (Institut de Mathématiques et Physique, Université catholique de Louvain), Aniceto Murillo (Universidad de Málaga) and Daniel Tanré (Université de Lille). Lie models in topology. (Progress in Mathematics n. 335, Birkhäuser)


Giovanni Catino (Politecnico di Milano) and Paolo Mastrolia (Università degli Studi di Milano). A Perspective on Canonical Riemannian Metrics. (Progress in Mathematics n. 336, Birkhäuser)


Not awarded


Michael Ruzhansky (Imperial College London) and Durvudkhan Suragan (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan). Hardy inequalities on homogeneous groups (100 years of Hardy inequalities). (Progress in Mathematics n. 327, Birkhäuser)


Antoine Chambert-Loir (Université Paris-Diderot Paris 7), Johannes Nicaise (Imperial College London), and Julien Sebag (Université Rennes 1) Motivic Integration. (Progress in Mathematics n. 325, Birkhäuser)


Vladimir Turaev (Indiana University) and Alexis Virelizier (Université Lille 1)
Monoidal Categories and Topological Field Theory (Progress in Mathematics n. 322, Birkhäuser)


Not awarded


Veronique Fischer i Michael Ruzhansky, de l’Imperial College London (Regne Unit) Quantization on Nilpotent Lie Groups (Progress in Mathematics n. 314, Birkhäuser)


Xavier Tolsa, de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Analytic capacity, the Cauchy transform, and non-homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund theory (Progress in Mathematics n. 307, Birkhäuser)


Angel Cano, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Juan Pablo Navarrete, de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, i Jose Seade, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Complex Kleinian Groups (Progress in Mathematics n.303, Birkhäuser)


Jayce Getz, de la McGill University, de Montreal, i Mark Goresky, de la School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, de Princeton
Hilbert Modular Forms with Coefficients in Intersection Homology and Quadratic Base Change (Progress in Mathematics n.298, Birkhäuser)


Carlo Mantegazza, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Lectures Notes on Mean Curvature Flow (Progress in Mathematics n.290, Birkhäuser)


Tim Browning, Bristol University
Quantitative Arithmetic of Projective Varieties (Progress in Mathematics n.277, Birkhäuser)


Luis Barreira, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa
Dimension and Recurrence in Hyperbolic Dynamics (Progress in Mathematics n.272, Birkhäuser)


Rosa M. Miró-Roig, Universitat de Barcelona
Lectures on Determinantal Ideals (Progress in Mathematics n.264, Birkhäuser)


Xiaonan Ma, École Polytechnique Palaiseau and George Marinescu, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität
Holomorphic Morse inequalities and Bergman kernels (Progress in Mathematics n.254, Birkhäuser)


Antonio Ambrosetti, and Andrea Malchiodi , SISSA, Italy
Perturbation Methods and Semiliniar Elliptic Problems on Rn (Progress in Mathematics n.240, Birkhäuser)
José Seade, UNAM, Mexico On the topology of isolated singularities in analytic spaces (Progress in Mathematics n.241, Birkhäuser)


Guy David, Université de Paris-Sud
Singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah functional (Progress in Mathematics n.233, Birkhäuser)


Fuensanta Andreu-Vaillo and José M. Mazón, Universitat de València and Vicent Casellas, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Parabolic Quasilinear Equations Minimizing Linear Growth Functionals (Progress in Mathematics n.223, Birkhäuser)


Alexander Lubotzky and Dan Segal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and All Souls College, Oxford
Subgroup Growth (Progress in Mathematics n.212, Birkhäuser)
André Unterberger, Université de Reims
Automorphic Pseudodifferential Analysis and Higher-level Weyl Calculi (Progress in Mathematics, n. 209, Birkhäuser)


Martin Golubitsky and Ian Stewart, University of Houston, Warwick University
The Symmetry Perspective (Progress in Mathematics, n. 200, Birkhäuser)


Juan-Pablo Ortega and Tudor Ratiu, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Hamiltonian Singular Reduction (Progress in Mathematics n.222, Birkhäuser)


Patrick Dehornoy, Université de Caen
Braids and Self-Distributivity (Progress in Mathematics, n. 192, Birkhäuser)


Juan J. Morales-Ruiz, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Differential Galois Theory and Non-integrability of Hamiltonian Systems (Progress in Mathematics, n.179, Birkhäuser)


A. Böttcher, TU Chemnitz and Y. I. Karlovich, Marine Hydrophysical Institute
Carleson Curves, Munchenhoupt Weights, and Toeplitz Operators (Progress in Mathematics, n. 154, Birkhäuser)


V. Kumar Murty and M. Ram Murty, University of Toronto
Non-Vanishing of L-Functions and Applications (Progress in Mathematics n. 157, Birkhäuser)


Not awarded


Klaus Schmidt, Warwick University
Dynamical Systems of Algebraic Origin (Progress in Mathematics n.128, Birkhäuser)


Alexander Lubotzky, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Discrete Groups, Expanding Graphs and Invariant Measures> (Progress in Mathematics n.125, Birkhäuser)